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Rabbi's Page


  Rabbi Yisroel Saperstein is an experienced and dynamic speaker, who has captured the attention of audiences from Mexico City to Midtown Manhattan, to Monsey, New York. Whether speaking before the scholars of Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, beginners attending Gateways seminars, or Modern Orthodox congregations, hisanimated delivery and arresting and stimulating blend of history and philosophy has entertained, enlightened and enriched his listeners.

  Well versed in Jewish history, Rabbi Saperstein's history lectures have been presented at the most prestigious yeshivos, including Beth Medrash Gavoha in Lakewood and Ner Israel in Baltimore, the Jewish Renaissance Center, the Jewish Learning Exchange of Ohr Somayach, and at Torah Umesorah's "Aish Dos "program. A prolific writer as well, his articles about the Holocaust and other historical topics have appeared in magazines and newspapers in the U.S. and Great Britain; as well as in Artscroll's " Up From the Ashes". He produced and broadcasted a weekly radio show entitled "Horizons;Excitement In Jewish Thought ' on WLIR 1300 AM in Rockland County.

  Rabbi Saperstein's diverse educational background includes:Ramaz, MTA, RIETS (Yeshiva Program of Yeshiva University), four years in the Kollel of Mirrer Yeshiva in NY, from which he received his Semicha, followed by a year in Mikdash Melech, a well known Sephardic institution in Brooklyn.

  In 1977, at the request of the Syrian community of Mexico, Rabbi Saperstein moved to Mexico City with his family to help found the first kollel in that country. For fiveyears, he devoted himself to teaching adult education in History, Philosophyand Talmud. He served as a spokesman for the Jewish community before the highest echelons of the Mexican government helping to ensure the availability of imported kosher food.

  Since 1982, Rabbi Saperstein has been active on the American scene, involved in almost every aspect of Orthodox Jewish life, including spearheading innovative Kiruv projects for a wide variety of individuals, An experienced maggid shiur and teacher, he served as the Rosh Kollel of the Monsey Dirshu program, headed the Semicha programs in Yeshiva Ohr Reuven of Monsey and the Yeshiva Gedola of Bridgeport, and taught history and ethics at Ohr Samayach's Meir Simcha division, and Masores Bais Henna Women's Seminary.

  An expert in Halacha, Rabbi Saperstein served as the rabbinic administrator for the Kof-K, networking with Rabbonim throughout the world on current Kashrus issues. He is the recipient of awards from The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture for his Talmudic research and has received the Rabbinic Excellence award from Ohr Samayach.

  We are privileged to have a person of Rabbi Sapersteins's caliber at the helm of Ohaiv Shalom.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785